Hiei Realm
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Welcome To My Home Page
Welcome to Kat's world of the Yu Yu Hakusho. I know you may mostly find pics of Hiei, but this is a Yu Yu Hakusho shrine to all of the characters. I know it may not look like it, but it is.
My lil Updates
4/30/03Today I got another Sailor Moon/Yu Yu Hakusho funny pic. It's of Hiei with a Sailor Moon makeover! It's funny, just check out Photo Page 2.5/9/03I'm not an update person. I like people to find things out on their own, only as a suprise of course. Well, I've got a new Hiei pic, I believe it's visible right now. It's moving up above this stupid updates thing....Well, I think that's all...Oh, and I've got new pics in the Gallery!5/18/03 Today I just took a Yu Yu Hakusho quiz, and I'm perfect for Hiei! We'd probably rarely fight (1 of 100 times). My personality matches his exactly!6/24/03 I know I haven't updated this site in a while, but I've been working on completing my Hiei Shrine website. I think if you want to learn about Hiei if you're madly in love with the demon, I've got that shrine done. Go to my links page to get to the site.

Kat Makai

Coincidence or Conspiracy?
I found this pic off google, and it really caught my eye...Don't the two look alike? (Left: Hiei, of course! Right: Vegita from DBZ)
Kat Makai